Peace! Be Still! A Playlist to Stop Anxiety Dead in Its Tracks

It is nothing new that we are an anxious generation. With so many uncertainties going on around us like the crashing waves of the sea, it is easy to succumb to fear. If we keep our minds focused on God and His word (Isaiah 26:3), however, we can face the uncertainties of life and the future without fear. As one who has struggled with anxiety throughout the years, the best remedies for me have been reading and meditating on God’s word, praying, journaling, listening to music and just spending time outside. With that said, I hope this playlist helps you in your struggle with anxiety.

Below are some favorites for quick reference, but you can listen to my full playlist on Spotify.

You keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.

–Isaiah 26:3
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